choosing a mattress

A healthy adult needs around 7 to 9 hours of sleep. While a good nighttime routine helps you improve the quality of sleep, you may not be able to sleep well if your mattress causes you discomfort.

Do you often wake up with a stiff neck or back pain? Then it’s time you should replace your mattress.

There are various factors involved in choosing the right mattress. Here’s a brief guide to help you out:

Type of Mattresses

With so many different types of mattresses available today, it may not be easy for you to make up your mind. Here are a few different types of mattresses you can choose from:

  • Coils – Aside from being an affordable option, coil mattresses are also better for your health
  • Latex – Latex mattresses offer great comfort and cooling effects
  • Pillow Tops – Pillow to mattresses have an additional layer of a soft material for added comfort
  • Memory Foam – These mattresses are popular for pressure relief, support, and comfort

Budgeting Is Important!

It’s crucial to remember that you get what you pay for. Cheap mattresses may look fine, but they don’t last for long. But it doesn’t mean you should spend a huge chunk of your savings on a mattress. If you have a budget in mind, you’ll find it easier to choose a comfortable mattress that you can afford.

Determine Your Ideal Sleeping Position

Before you decide to purchase a new mattress, you should determine your ideal sleeping position. It will  help you choose the mattress with ideal firmness.

If you sleep on your back, a memory foam mattress might be the right choice since it provides support and gives pressure relief. If you sleep on your sides, then you should look for a softer mattress that provides an equal distribution of pressure. But if you prefer sleeping on your stomach (which isn’t good for your health, by the way), then you should buy a medium-firm mattress.


The lifespan of a mattress depends on its material composition and how you use it, but lesser-quality mattresses may only last 7-8 years. The luxury mattresses on offer at Sleep & Dream can last decades if properly cared for.

Consider Your Weight

The performance of a mattress also depends on your weight. Here’s a brief guide to help you choose a mattress of an ideal firmness on the basis of your weight:

  • Less than 150 Pounds – 5-6 firmness range is standard, but you can go for a soft mattress of 3-4 range
  • 150-200 Pounds – The industry standard is 5-7, but 3-5 firmness range can also work
  • 200+ Pounds – Choose a firmer mattress that is at least 12” thick

Shopping for a new mattress, Santa Fe? Give the experts at Sleep and Dream a call today at 505-988-9195 or come see us at our showroom at 510 W. Cordova Road, Santa Fe, 87505.