Tag: Sleeping Tips

How Much Sleep Do I Need? Be your Own Sleep Calculator

How Much Sleep Do I Need? Be your Own Sleep Calculator

African american man sleeping on his side facing the camera

In today’s bright and busy world, it can be easy to miss out on the rest you need. When trying to remain at optimal health, you may need to develop a self-assessment that helps you determine
1) how much sleep do I need?
2) how can I foster better sleep?
3) what do I need to change to make that happen?

Sleep Needs and Health Challenges

Per the National Sleep Foundation, adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep to stay healthy, while older adults need 7 to 8 hours.

The amount of sleep you need can be subjective. For example, you may find that the darkness of the winter saps your energy. You may find that you have plenty of energy but are struggling to lose weight, or need caffeine to keep you going through the day.

If you find that you:

  • need coffee after lunch
  • get sleepy while you’re driving
  • can’t lose weight no matter how hard you try
  • can’t fall asleep once you do get to bed

Then you will likely need to find a way to get more rest.

Monitor Your Mental Health

Symptoms of poor or insufficient sleep may crop up in your brain as well as your belly. For example, poor sleep can lead to memory challenges and anxiety. If you find it difficult to remember what you read, watched or discussed from day to day, try getting more sleep to support a healthy brain.

Additionally, being constantly sleep-deprived can make it very difficult to control your emotions. If you feel constantly on-edge or seem to struggle with your temper, poor sleep might be getting in the way of staying emotionally consistent with yourself, family members and co-workers.

Facing the Problem

Poor sleep habits will show up on your skin. In addition to the traditional dark circles, you may find that your skin is dull, your eyes are puffy or red, and your smile may be turned upside-down. Sleep is the time that your cells rejuvenate, so if your body is fighting for the sleep it needs, this will become visible.

When working out how much sleep do I need, keep an eye on your face. If you’re using more concealer than before, or if you find wrinkles that weren’t there yesterday and are obviously not laugh lines, you likely need to get more, and better quality, rest.

Quality Rest Takes Vigilance

Some people like to read before bed. Some find it just wakes them up even more, especially if they use an e-reader or tablet. The general consensus is that you should avoid electronic screens in the bedroom, but many readers simply refuse to give up their e-readers.

When possible, reverse the screen light so the background is black to reduce your exposure to light. Keep your bedroom dark. Invest in a mattress that works with your body so you can sink into it, and great sleep.

Poor sleep habits can wreak havoc on your health and brain. Be vigilant about getting quality rest. The health of your life may be depending on it.

5 Sleeping Tips to Guarantee Good Quality Sleep

5 Sleeping Tips to Guarantee Good Quality Sleep

mattress santa fe

If you often feel tired and sleepy in the mornings, you are not receiving the required amount of sleep. When you are drowsy, it affects your entire life negatively. You are unable to focus on work. You eat and drink to stay awake. You feel moody and cranky.

However, all is not lost. You can still receive good quality sleep. For instance, one sleeping tip you will learn about is the importance of investing in a good mattress in Santa Fe. This is just one of the many tips this article will cover today. If you want to sleep soundlessly at night and wake up fresh in the mornings, follow the sleeping tips given below and make them a part of your life:


Sleep for 7 to 8 Hours Each Day


You need to sleep for 7 to 8 hours each day. Make it part of your routine and do not compromise on it. Sleep is just as essential as food for survival. Inadequate amounts of sleep can increase the risk of diseases and illnesses. Create a bedtime routine and take steps to ensure you fall asleep, such as removing distractions from you room like your phone, handheld device, laptop, and TV.


Select a High Quality Mattress


You need to sleep on a high quality mattress. You can easily find a mattress in Santa Fe that promotes good quality sleep. Sleeping on the right type of mattress is very important because your body changes as you grow older. If your mattress is older than seven years, you need to replace it.

Older mattresses do not provide the support you require to get a good night’s sleep. If you are looking into replacing the mattress, you might as well replace the pillow as well. After every one year, replace the pillow to ensure you receive the right support for your neck.


Do Not Press the Snooze Button


People need to break the habit of pressing the snooze button on their alarm. You need to set your alarm and get up as soon as it rings. If you must press snooze, only press it once in the morning.


Do Not Eat or Drink Before Bedtime


If you drink water before you sleep, you will wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Do not drink water or caffeine before bed. You should also not eat anything because if you eat and sleep, your body will not have time to digest it properly. Instead, eat and drink at least 2 to 3 hours before you sleep.


Do Take Naps


If you have invested in a mattress in Santa Fe, use it to take short naps once you get home from work. You can also take naps on the weekends. Nap for about 10 to 30 minutes each day, if you can.

From buying a pillow and mattress in Santa Fe, sleeping on time, waking up early, taking naps, to not drinking or eating before bed, doing all of this will help you get good quality sleep.

Make sure your mattress is the best for you, check this out!